1.Touch him or her on the stimulating areas to get him or her mood . Nipples,neck,back
2. Kiss him or her . Kisses almost always make us think of making love.
3. Take showers or baths together. Invite your spouse to the shower ,make it a habit. Get playful there. Sex will happen
4.send your spouse ,naughty message during the day saying what you will do it for him or her . By the time you get home ,you both will be in the mood.
5.Massage your spouse’s body ,touch and care arouses your spouse
6. Dress for sex . There are lingerie that you wear that tell your spouse ” I want sex ,I’m feeling sex”.
7. Sleep Naked together. The greater and easier the access, the more the sex.
8. Treat your spouse well. We get horny when we are near the spouse who treats us well.
9. Touch your spouse between the legs. Don’t beat around the bush. Lady, take your fingers inside is boxer and strike his gun to hardness; men , take your fingers inside her panty and rub it till she swells.