1. Remember in marriage, your body belongs to your spouse, your spouse’s body belongs to you. So get your body to please your spouse
2. Remember that other people might notice your sexiness outside there ,but it is your spouse who is to enjoy sexiness.
3. Remember your sexiness starts from your self-confidence so have self view
4. Remember that as long as you two take care of each other and meet each other’s emotional needs, you will easily find each other sexy.
5. Remember that your sexiness has shelf-life . A time will come in old age where you will not have it . Enjoy your wife of your youth
6. Remember to never ashamed for admiring and desiring your spouse
7. Remember both husband and wife have a need to feel wanted and desired, so make moves on your spouse
8. Remember being sexual to each other release feel good hormones making you connect together
9. Remember that it makes no sense to have a sexy spouse but your not enjoying him or her
10. Remember that parts of sexiness is playfulness. Have fun,be cheeky, be naughty.