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1. You do only one sex position and don’t want to explore or even participate in how your spouse loves it
2. You don’t know how to take a joke, you don’t have a sense of humour
3. You come up with no activities to do together as a couple
4. You have so many rules and regulations that being with you feels like a military camp
5. You are guided by fear instead of love. Fear of bad things happening instead of love to make good things happen
6. You prolong disagreements and silent treatment to the point it chokes joy out of your marriage
7. You spiritualize things that just need plain action
8. You are passive when it comes to sex
9. You pour cold water on your spouse’s plans
10. You don’t allow your spouse to be himself/herself
11. You are highly suspicious and insecure about your spouse for no reason
12. You exaggerate issues to prove a point
13. You are not interested in reconciliation. It is almost as if you like drama
14. You are not loveable. Your spouse tries to woo you, flirt with you, spoil you, play with you but you are unresponsive
15. You look like you are at a funeral when out on a date or in public with your spouse. Extra moody and uptight
16. Your temperament scares the children. The home is edgy when you are present
17. Your prayers are more about spiritual warfare and the devil and casting demons; than worship, praise, surrender and communion with God
18. You dress well when you go out of the house but put no effort in looking good when at home with your spouse.