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1. It hurts a wife when the husband listens to the advice of other women trying to impress them but ignores hers
2. It hurts a wife when the husband carries himself in public as if he is not married, as if he is not proud of the love he shares with her
3. It hurts a wife when the husband would rather watch pornography and touch himself than make love to her
4. It hurts a wife when the husband would defend the privacy of his phone and attack his wife because of his phone activity as if what is in his phone is more important than his marriage
5. It hurts a wife when she tries her best to cover the husband only to keep hearing others telling her about the dishonourable things her husband is doing
6. It hurts a wife when the husband would rather confide in another woman and praise another woman
7. It hurts a wife when she tries her best to be a good wife, cook for him, serve him, stay sexy for him, stay faithful to him; but he just doesn’t notice her effort
8. It hurts a wife when the husband allows his mother to bully her and micro manage their home
9. It hurts a wife when the husband uses the secrets she confided in him to insult her, mock her and attack her
10. It hurts a wife when he expects her to do everything to support his dream and yet he has never cared to find out and support her dreams
11. It hurts a wife when the husband mistreats her but then he expects great sex
12. It hurts a wife when she has to beg her own husband for attention and she is reduced to competing against his friends for his priority spot
13. It hurts a wife when the husband will openly stare and flirt with other women yet he barely notices her beauty, new hairstyle or compliment her body
14. It hurts a wife when the husband who promised her marriage and growing old together is the one person breaking the home.