1. Harden his penis, don’t make his life hard
2. Praise him, don’t praise other men
3. Cover his shame, don’t cover up your mistakes
4. Hide in his arms, don’t hide your sweet vagina from him
5.Buy him an expensive cologne, don’t buy into the cheap rumors being spread about him
6. Lengthen the size of his penis as you arouse it erect from its relaxed size, don’t lengthen his sorrows
7. Strengthen his character, don’t strengthen his enemies by attacking him
8. Rub your butt on him, don’t rub his failures to his face when he makes a mess
9. Let him marvel at the earings dangling from your pierced ears, don’t pierce his heart
10. Shout out his goodness for the world to hear, don’t shout at him
11. Push his penis deeper inside you when making love, don’t push him away
12. Send him sweet messages, don’t send gossip about him to your girlfriends
13. Give birth to his baby, don’t order him around like a baby
14. Feed him good food, don’t feed him lies
15. Empty his burden, don’t empty his wallet
16. Address his fears, don’t undress for another man
17. Build him up, don’t build a wall between you and him
18. Ask him how his day has been, don’t ask for things you know he can’t currently give
19. Record his achievements, don’t keep a record of his wrongs
20. Set a loving mood at home, don’t become draining and moody
21. Be his number one fan, not his harshest critic
22. Challenge him to grow, don’t challenge his position as head of the home.