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Men are very sexual. It’s not his fault, God made him that way. He is divinely wired, designed and constructed to like sex, pursue sex and enjoy sex IN MARRIAGE but most men don’t enjoy sex with their wives and it is very pathetic!
On a scale of 10, hardly would we find 3 men who can boldly declare his sex life excellent. Many keep suffering in silence, fantasize about their ex-girl friends, secretary in the office, house maid (you will be amazed at how many house maids know how to have sex better than their madams) or plain run into the arms of the ever willing mistress!
If you are tired of having a complaining, sad, unfulfilled, wandering husband, now is the time to show him love in a language he understands, have him all to yourself and enjoy so much love, affection and tenderness from him as well. Yes, a fulfilled sex life makes men super tender to their wives…
1. DESIRE TO PLEASE HIM: That is the first turn on for husbands. The desire to please your man regardless of how he treats you will loosen all hardened bolts on his heart, become tender and pursue you like never before.
2. ADMIRE HIS BODY: Men love to be admired by their wives. Hubby asked me recently if he is looking his age. No! My baby looks sixteen! I told him he looks far younger (and it is the truth) and he blushed. I call him “Fine boy” with tenderness and affection. Take a long, tender look at his sharp eyes, well carved nose, sexy moustache (if he keeps it) sensuous lips, broad chest, bulging biceps and if he is slender, appreciate that tall, slim frame. Appreciate his skin! Whether tanned, chocolate, fair, dark or black, he’s your husband, tell him what he is dying to hear. Don’t allow anybody do that job for you.
3. TELL HIM YOU FIND HIM HOT AND LOVE TO MAKE LOVE TO HIM ANY DAY, ANY TIME: Married couples should use sexy words freely between each other. Send sexy text messages, chat, call, set romance in pace. Tell him you love him and you think about him all the time. Get yourself in the mood and mentally fantasise you both in bed. Not wearing pants under and allowing fresh breeze in there while going about your chores does some “Tirin…tirin” to your body.
4. WEAR SEXY UNDER WEARS FOR HIM: Make marriage fun. Wear some “out of this world” underwear and watch him blush, laugh, scream or simply grab you. Get new bras! Different types for different views and packages depending on the occasion. Wear tantalising pants! Invest in G-strings. Men are physical. Give him good movies (your body) to watch!
5. GO TO BED SPICK AND SPAN: Never sleep beside your husband without brushing your teeth or bathing, it’s a huge turn off. Smell nice, fresh, minty, chocolate, rosy, lavendar, blue dream,whatever sweet smell you can send to his nostrils.
6. TRY THINGS YOU’VE NEVER TRIED BEFORE: Learn to kiss. If you don’t know how, google it. Play with his body. Climb on top of him and work on every part of him.
7. TAKE THE LEAD: Learn to ask for sex. If you are shy, use your body to ask. Unless he is blind, deaf and dumb, he should get the tight hug, affectionate kisses, smooching, sitting on his laps, looking into his eyeballs, chasing him up and down the house, etc and learn to be the Amazon during sex! You can lead from the top change your sex style. I listed some with graphic details in “Sex…Sweet Sex!”
8. MATCH HIS SPEED: Learn to follow his pace and and rhythm. A lot of wives watch their husbands make love to them but they don’t make love to the man. If he goes slow, go slow, if he speeds up, speed up. If he thrusts down, thrust up. Men like women who can dance to same music and follow every beat during sex with them.
9. GET YOUR BODY IN SHAPE: If you are too fat, shed weight. A good sex life requires some energy. and flexibility. Get some exercise and look trim, nice and attractive. Keeping to shape is a lot of work but the good self esteem, improved sex life and admiration you will get from your husban is worth it
10. VAGINA BIRTH AFTER 3 CHILDREN CAN LEAVE YOU OVER STRETCHED. Men like tight vagina around their penis. Give him good pleasure during sex. Go back to the virgin he married . Do kegel exercise. It will flatten your tummy and restore strength to the appropriate places.
11. DO NOT KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT DURING LOVE-MAKING: Especially as you orgasm. Kindly call his native name during sex or give him hot names that will make his mama blush! When enjoying s sweet sex, don’t keep quiet . Moan, sweet talk and let your husband know you are enjoying every drive, turn, speed, reverse, acceleration and shower!