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1. Better a partner who tells you the truth, than a partner who sugar coats you with a lie
2. Better a partner who finds reasons to stay, than one who finds excuses to walk away
3. Better a partner who tells you the issues between you two that need solving, than one who runs to having an affair because of issues between you two
4. Better a partner who corrects you when you’re wrong, than one who keeps silent as you make mistakes
5. Better a partner who tells you how he/ she wants to be loved, than one you have to guess hoping you are doing the right thing and he/ she is silently frustrated
6. Better a partner who replies your messages late, than one who doesn’t reply at all
7. Better a partner who admits wrong, than one who always has to be right
8. Better a partner with little money who builds you, than one who crashes you and belittles you just because he/ she has alot of money
9. Better a partner who will say a short prayer for you in your presence, than a partner who says “I’ll pray for you” yet you’ve never heard a prayer uttered
10. Better a partner who fights for you, than a partner who avoids fights and will leave you at the slightest provocation
11. Better a talkative partner, than one who you feel you are the only one putting too much effort to start and hold a conversation
12. Better a partner who picks up your phonecall and tells you “Honey, I can’t talk right now”, than one who ignores your phonecalls
13. Better a partner who comes home late after telling you his/ her whereabouts, than one who goes missing without saying a word
14. Better a partner who opens up to you no matter how painful and difficult, than one who keep secrets in the name of protecting you
15. Better a partner who is honest with you when someone else tries to come between you two, than one who keeps things from you and slowly slips away
16. Better a partner who calls upon you for support, than one who suffers in silence out of fear of being a burden to you
17. Better a partner who will tell you things are not OK between you two, than one who pretends all is well yet he/ she has already given up on your love
18. Better a partner in a long distance relationship who makes an effort to communicate often, than one who is physically close to you yet you never get to see
19. Better a partner who speaks his/ her mind and rightly disagrees with you, than one who rubber stamps all you say and becomes a doormat to walk over
20. Better a partner who will give his/ her all, than one who frustrates love because he/ she is one foot in the other out.