1. A man who loves you actually looks forward to helping you, even with chores; all you have to do is ask
2. Men love to hang around a woman who challenges them. That woman who knows more about different life topics, not just romance. That woman who talks and he is amazed by her wisdom
3. Flirting doesn’t keep a man. What keeps a man is his need of you and how you respect him
4. A man can actually use his ego positively to love you, to brag about you, to be proud of you and to make sure the love you two have is never put to shame because his name is on the line
5. A man who is affectionate towards God will be affectionate towards you. Check his relationship with God
6. The moment a man feels you don’t admire him but belittle him, he will begin to pull away and avoid you
7. When you give a man peace he will become vulnerable to you and find you to be good company
8. When a man loves you, it will be clear, you will know it and feel it
9. The easiest way to make a man change for the better is not to criticize him but to inspire him to be better by appreciating his effort
10. Men have emotions too. If you make him feel safe, he will reveal those emotions to you
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