At times we men are accused of not loving by our women but the truth. Many a men love their women but lack means to express and outlet that love.
Men are creatures of love naturally hence God even said “husband love your wives”. In history we record men dying for love since its their nature to give in love but at times we fail to show that love.
1) Presence;
If you truelly love your woman be present in her life. Show up in time of need and pain even joy and happiness. Lack of presence of men on women’s life rises concern of care and support. Just be present; be available.
2) Passion;
If you truelly love your woman then show some passion about her; not just interest like you just like her. Be passionate about her life progress; state of affairs; in your conversations; your physical affection. Passion simply means be lively and stop behaving like you are forced to he with her.
3) Publicity;
If you want to show how much you love your women then embrace her publicly, let your world see her; post her pics on facebook; set them as status; use her as screen saver; walk with her in open public spaces. Women feel more appreciated when they are not hidden.
4) Partnership;
If you want her to see your love then allow her to be your partner. Create an inter-dependence relationship with her. Even if you know you can do somethings but ask her and allow her to do somethings for you. Allow her to choose some clothes for you; decide your life to an extent; determine this and that. Give her that power in your life for her to feel needed and useful.
5) Privacy;
Every man loves his privacy so much, but that privacy destroys intimacy with women. It’s best you open your world a little bit for her to see into it. Let her know your source of income; your past life; your nicknames; your life before her; your this and that few you call private.
6) Promotion;
Any man who claims to love any woman must dare to promote her to a level of a wife or even certain amount of commitment towards her. Your love cannot be seen by your woman if you still have her at the bottom of your life like footnote reference in a paragraph. If you love it put a ring on it (I will write more on it).
7) Power;
At times women fight for power that they fight for anything. Women feel less loved especially when they have no power in the relationship. Give her power to decide some set ups of your life. It’s clear that your love can be hidden and held back by power struggle. Give your woman some power to see how much you love her abd trust her with that power.
8 Pampering;
One of the things men fail to keep up with is the idea of pampering their women. Women see no love when they are not given things they love and enjoy for their pleasure. Women can be pampered differently depending what is their preference according to their love language (5 Love Languages by Dr Gary Chapman). Find a way to pamper your woman. Get to know how to spoil her rotten.
9) Prayer;
Our love has to be based on activity beyond physical more. Our spiritual journey has to build and grow our love. Men must introduce and facilitate his woman to his spiritual journey. Our women feel less loved because all they see is the physical molecule impediment of love which can be both ways than inner spiritual intimacy that creates companionship in life.