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1. Your vagina may be sweet; but it means very little if your words to your husband are bitter and harsh.
2. Your penis may be good and take your wife to orgasms; but it means very little if you don’t lead her to God.
3. Your lips lady may be delightful to kiss; but it means very little if your presence is disrespectful.
4. Your penis may be really hard when erected; but it means very little if you can’t stand by your wife during hard times.
5. Your butt may be nice to touch dear lady; but it means very little if you don’t touch your husband’s heart with your gentle love.
6. Your tongue might drive your wife’s clitoris wild; but it means very little if with the same tongue you tell her hurtful and insulting things.
7. Your hips may look sexy when you walk; but it means very little if your mood swings make your husband lack peace because you are full of drama.
8. Your erection can last a long while; but it means very little if your good treatment towards her doesn’t last beyond the sex.
9. Your breasts may be exciting to squeeze; but it means very little if you keep putting your husband through stress and pressure.
10. Your fingers may be skillful at playing with her nipples and skin; but it means very little if you play with her emotions and hurt her.