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1. She suddenly seems inseparable from her phone
When you first met, she hardly used her/his phone except for answering a call or responding to a text. There were no secrets between you. However, you notice that she now seems more interested in her phone and being on every social media site.
While phone behavior can change for other reasons, it can also be a sign of cheating. If you notice that she suddenly finds it hard to leave her/his phone near you or places its screen facing down, there is a chance she is trying to hide some conversations from you.
2. Loss of interest in sex ( Pre – Marital sex strictly prohibited).
If you have been in a romantic relationship for a while, then you are well aware of your sex outine. If your routine suddenly changes, with less interest in sex on her part, she may be having her/his needs met outside of your relationship. This is especially likely if you have already ruled out other possible causes of her/his low libido. If the only reason you are having less se* is that she is bored or not in the mood, it may be a sign of cheating.
3. Picking fights
Picking fights even over things you wouldn’t fight over before is a common sign of cheating and her/his way of discrediting the relationship to justify her/his affair. Picking fights makes it easy for her to claim that your committed relationship is not working, hence the reason for seeing other people.
4. Telling lies
If you are suddenly catching your girlfriend/boyfriend in small white lies for no apparent reason, it may signify that she is hiding something more significant. When someone is cheating, her/his lies do not match up to the timeline, and they find it hard to justify coming home later than usual or having to run many errands all of a sudden that take longer than they usually would.
She will lie about everything, including the undiscussed charges in your credit card statements or bank account charge for her/his new clothes.
5. Adds or changes her/his phone passwords.
6. Emotional distance: If she/ he seems withdrawn or disinterested in spending time with you, it could be a cause for concern.
7. Accusations of infidelity
Sometimes, someone cheating might accuse their partner of cheating to deflect suspicion.