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These ones know they have NOTHING tangible to offer or contribute to a Man, they know anybody being with them is actually doing them a favor, so they turn love beggars when they see someone that gives them a second look… The only thing they can offer you in a relationship is different 888s£x positions and perform wifey duties for you because according to them, it worked for their friend or someone they know & the person got a husband. They are the “do what works for you” geng. Another name i call them is “Anywhere belle face.” LADIES WITH LOW SELF ESTEEM
The ones suffering from low Self Esteem Deficiency Syndrome (SEDS)
They are beautiful, have much to offer, they are a blessing, they carry favor, BUT they think and feel otherwise.. They don’t know what they truly want or deserve. They think less of themselves, settle for less or just anything that doesn’t even portray love. They will settle for a community pen!s, a woman beater, a manipulator, a liar, etc
They lack understanding of WHO they are, and how lucky a Man actually is to have them.
Most Ladies in this category think this way because of their looks, background, past experiences or financial handicaps. They lack understanding. DESPERATE ONES
This is the oga patapata of them all.
Desperation messes with a Woman’s mind.
+When desperate, a lady will keep silent in the face of physical/emotional abuse, endure insults and assaûlts from a Man even when she is dying, because she wants to be in a relationship/ get married. She is scared of starting all over again.
A desperate lady will not only BEG, she will also COMPROMISE.
If desperation hits a Christian lady for instance, she will drop all her godly convictions and do ANYTHING at the request of a Man (even Men who don’t deserve her).
A desperate Lady will ignore obvious red flags.
A desperate Lady will not consider her personal dignity and pride..