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One of the greatest thing you can give a Man isn’t your Body, but Peace of mind.
An atmosphere where he’ll find happiness, a place he can relax and think, plan and reach out to conquer his world and fulfill his purpose from, without stress, constant nagging, and problems.
If you can’t give him peace, leave him to find someone who can.
He wants you to understand him
To understand his CAPACITY (financially for example) and manage with him, and not make demands way past it.
To understand his NATURE (temperament, likes, dislikes), and know how to blend/flow with him peacefully.
To understand his CALLING, and know how to support him to fulfill it, and not fight it.
An understanding Woman captures the heart and kidney of her Man.
He may not say it, but he looks to you for encouragement daily.
Your words mean a lot to him.
“honey, I know you’re trying, I love You”
“I see thẹ sacrifice you’re making for us and our future, thank you”
“baby, you can do it, you can get it done, things may not be as you want them now, but I’m with you”
Men love and cherish a Woman who encourages them to success.
Calm down first, Before you get offended, You yourself, don’t you want respect? So what are we not saying.?
No Man wants to marry a second Mother, or an Elder Sister in context of authority.
TREAT him with respect as you’d he do to you.
TALK to him with Respect (publicly and privately)
Honor and Respect him as you do your Pastor.
A Man wants to be treated like a baby by his Woman, few ever admit it..
Men also want to be pampered, and taken care of.
He wants you to take care of him..
Men are very weak in this area, that’s why most Men don’t joke with their mothers, the first Woman to take care of them.
Be there for him to make sure he eats, even if you’re not the one currently cooking for him, still urge him to eat..