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To destroy a good marriage is very easy than you think, it does not cost anything. I listed here things you can do to destroy a great marriage by just doing them for a Month, no matter how strong the marriage is, it will be destroyed if you do these things.
If you want a great marriage, just do the opposite of everything listed below, if you want to destroy your home, just do them.
❖ Neglect God in your home, don’t give him a chance at all, base everything on self-will, sin and unrighteousness.
❖ Never spend time with your husband, travel from Dubai to Paris, from Newyork to London, from one continent to another
❖ Take your husband for granted regularly, don’t care about him, and call his bluff when he complains.
❖ Nag him ‘to his senses’, complain repeatedly until his eye pop out of his head.
❖ Put your career (business, job or ministry) first; create little or no time for your husband and family.
❖ Attend every party east, west, north and south; don’t ever stay at home at weekend, enjoy yourself that is life.
❖ Hand over your house to your house maid; arrive home around mid-night every week.
❖ Never allow your husband to control you, you went to school he went to; why should he lord it over you?
❖ Challenge every of your husband decision, always make sure you have your way.
❖ Be critical; condemn your husband for his ‘bad behaviour’.
❖ Never create atmosphere of love at home.
❖ Talk often about your ex-boyfriend; let your husband know that your ex is better than him.
❖ Give him sex anytime you feel like at least sex is not food.
❖ If you allow him to sleep with you at all, just lie down there like a log of wood.
❖ Be difficult, be hard, be in charge.
❖ Be selfish, be stingy.
❖ Dress so shabbily that people will think you are his house maid.
❖ Respect your husband to anybody that care to listen.
❖ Be dirty, be lazy
❖ Don’t take ‘nonsense’ from your husband, make it fire for fire.
❖ Drink, smoke you can even go ahead to abuse drug.
❖ Hate your in-laws and don’t hide it from them.
❖ Never allow your in-law in your house.
❖ Argue bitterly with your husband, never lose an argument.
❖ Allow your friends to dictate what you do in your marriage
❖ Make friend only with divorce, feminist and women who are fighting their husbands.
❖ Be stubborn, be difficult, take no retreat, no surrender stance.
❖ Never allow God to have a say in your homes.
❖ Avoid communicating with him at least ‘silence is golden’
❖ Be a sleeper, sleep for about 9 hours daily.
❖ Keep record of all wrong doing never forgive and forget.
❖ Don’t be faithful to your husband, cheat on him at least you own your body.
❖ Be abusive, curse him regularly.
❖ Keep malice regularly; don’t ever talk to him/her except he/she say ‘I am sorry’.
❖ Regret marrying him, tell him you do.
❖ Send rotten text messages and e-mail to her when he hurt you.
❖ Never grow, never improve, just be yourself.
❖ Do everything to change your husband, if he refuses to change fight him.
❖ Be extravagant; lavish his money on expensive shoes, cloth, hats, food, etc.
❖ Spend like Father Christmas for people outside and your own family.
❖ Give all your love to your children; don’t ever love your husband.