You need to agree on mode of communication and how to make most of the calls and chats each other.
I suggest the call and chatting should be balanced.
Empty pocket won’t buy Airtime and subscribe for data.
If you are the only one who initiates all the calls, chats or visit, then your relationship cannot work.
If you don’t have money, you are not qualified to be in a relationship except your partner is ready to bear all the expenses without complain.
Don’t be like a lazy man whose financee was sending monthly stipend while he refused to work.
I have seen several who have lost their relationship because of genotype incompatibility.
For your relationship to work or to avoid heartbreak, you must know your genotype before you accept proposal from him or before you propose to her.
Before your relationship can work, you must know your genotype.
Before your relationship can work, you must believe in same spiritual things.
A brother who believes a lady should never wear trousers, attachment, ear rings that went into a relationship with a lady who does that, their relationship can never work.
A brother who believes in speaking in tongues and ministry of the Holy Spirit while the lady does not believe, the relationship cannot work.
I always recommend orthodox should be in a relationship with orthodox and pentecostal with pentecostal.
If you are literate and you go into a relationship with an illiterate, the relationship may not work unless you decide to make it work because of your love for each other. Mental compatibility is very important
If you believe in sexual purity and virginity till marriage but you go into a relationship with someone who doesn’t believe in such, the relationship cannot work.
Ask before accepting to be in a relationship with him, What’s your view about premarital sex or romance? Whatever he says will determine if you would go into relationship with him. If he says he can’t be in a relationship without sex or romance, then you don’t need to accept the proposal.
You need to discover your temperament.
Are you sanguine, choleric, melancholy, phlegmatic? Know your combination and that of your partner will help you manage your relationship.
The book ” why you act the way you do by Tim LaHaye” will make you understand temperament.
If your relationship will work, you may need to have a Mentor or spiritual leader you are accountable to.
You need to have someone you can report your partner to in case of intensive, protracted and serious disagreement.