Sometimes a man will struggle to erect or sustain an erection because he is stressed, tired, overthinking or he feels you disrespect him as his wife. Don’t be so quick to accuse him of cheating - ONCE A CHEAT, ALWAYS A CHEAT
Yes, infidelity hurts; some continue with the lifestyle but others transform to stop and be a better spouse. People can change. Marriages can thrive after infidelity if the two choose to fight for it and heal it - IF A WOMAN DOESN’T SQUIRT, SHE IS NOT SEXUALLY SATISFIED
Not every woman will squirt in their lifetime; some even don’t long to squirt because they find it messy. Don’t feel under pressure, intimacy is much deeper, not a chase after squirts - A WOMAN WHO HAS GIVEN BIRTH IS TOO WIDE DOWN THERE
The vagina is very elastic, it can expand and contract. A woman can go back to tightness after giving birth, let us not make motherhood seem like a pleasure killer - YOUR HUSBAND HATES YOUR STRETCHMARKS
Many women feel insecure about their stretchmarks because of their own insecurities or the judgement from other women. Most men don’t even complain about stretchmarks, all they want is some good loving inside the wife. Lady, you are beautiful as you are. Relax - SIZE IS EVERYTHING
The size of the penis is not everything, skill is. Regardless of the God-given size or shape of your penis; what your wife wants is that you be creative and skillfull with it as you confidently give her that good feeling - EVERY SEXUAL EPISODE A COUPLE HAS MUST BE THE SAME
Last night’s love making might have been so intense, today it might be calm and flat. Not every time it will be similar. Stop trying to recreate a memory, enjoy each episode and make it unique. Don’t panic or think your marriage is under threat when the sex this week doesn’t match last week’s fireworks - EVERY PERSON HAS THE SAME SEXUAL SPOTS
Don’t copy paste what you hear about others. Not every woman has sensitive nipples, not every man loves their balls played with. Some ladies find their inner thighs ticklish, some men love their nipples pinched. Find out how your spouse wants it. Discover - EVERY WOMAN CLIMAXES JUST ONCE
Some women can only climax once and some can climax over and over. Find out what kind of a woman she is - THOSE WHO MARRIED AS VIRGINS OR WITH LITTLE SEXUAL EXPERIENCE ARE BORING IN BED
You don’t need training with many people to be great in bed; all you need is to emotionally connect and be willing to learn your spouse and to enjoy and give pleasure and your sex life will be amazing - SEX IN AFFAIRS IS SWEETER THAN SEX IN MARRIAGE
Affairs are fun because they are new, passionate, they have a lot of investment in flirting and emotional bonding, and there is a build up of excitement. All those things you can bring into your marriage. You can have a steamy affair with your spouse - A COUPLE THAT HAS HAD AN AVERAGE SEX LIFE CAN NEVER IMPROVE
Any couple that feels their sex life sucks can shake things up and bring fire into their love life. Are you willing to go on an adventure on each other’s body? - EVERY MAN WAKES UP WITH A HARD ON
Not every man will wake up horny, so don’t think he is not attracted to you just because he doesn’t want some each morning. You can start him up though - SPIRITUAL PEOPLE ARE PATHETIC IN BED
You can be spiritual and still be highly sexual. Sex was created by God. God is a romantic God. In fact, the more you grow as a believer, the more romantic and expressive you should become, understanding the beauty and power of sexual intimacy done as unto the Lord - IF YOU LIKE MAKING LOVE AT NIGHT, YOUR SPOUSE WILL AUTOMATICALLY WANT THE SAME
Your spouse might enjoy making love a different time than you. Some people are night people, others are morning ones; the goal is to compromise and accommodate each other’s preferences in the marriage to tend to each other’s needs - EVERY INFECTION IS BECAUSE OF INFIDELITY
Sometimes your infection as a woman is not brought about by your man giving you an STI, you could be having a UTI, or an infection brought about by your hygiene, toilet use, underwear not properly dried before wearing or internal body fluids. Don’t be so quick to jump into conclusions
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