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- Will enjoy mutually talking with them
- Will be easy to talk to without feeling judged or looked down
- Will have a unique sense of humor. Laughter warms things up
- Will ask questions not to investigate or interrogate but to seek to understand
- Will give eye contact when being spoken to. Paying attention
- Will turn some conversations into prayer requests. Praying as a couple
- Will keep their secrets and not look at them differently when dark secrets are shared
- Will give them peace and be inviting to talk to
- Will not say hurtful things and blame it on hot temper or alcohol
- Will know when to shut up and listen and give a shoulder to lean on
- Will also be vulnerable enough to open up
- Will flirt but not turn every conversation into a sex subject
- Will study their body language and tone to know what words cannot say
- Will speak to them with respect privately and publicly
- Will reply to their messages or return missed calls instead of ignoring them
- Will also make an effort to initiate conversations rather than it being one sided
- Will talk more than just chores, projects, money, children and responsibilities and get to talk heart to heart. A companion. A confidant
- Will apologize when they say something wrong instead of brushing off the issue as if no hurt happened