1) No man is perfect
2) Men are like children. So be like his mother.
3) Hear quickly; talk slowly.
4) Never compete with a man.
5) Never try to be equal with him.
6) Be fast to apologize when you know you are wrong.
7) Don’t be too jealous with him. This is good for your peace of mind.
8) You may check on his phone if you want, but that isn’t necessary.
9) Always be honest as a wife.
10) Never leave your house for a long distance without his permission.
11) Make sure you know the food he likes, and prepare that at least twice a week if money allows.
12) Don’t let your husband get in the house with a parcel in his hand.
13) Try to make a budget together.
14) Be his adviser, not a critiser.
15) Don’t ever forget that a wife is a helper of husband.
16) Learn good things from your mother.
17) When God blesses you with children, never give more attention to your children and forget your husband.
18) Learn to smile at your husband.
19) When your husband knocks off from work, greet him. If possible, hug him.
20) Don’t let your husband leave the house without eating. This may mean “eat” and “eat”.
21) When you husband becomes angry, stop talking.
22) Keep the bedroom clean always.
23) Never put cloths on the bed. Some men hate that.
24) Be a clean woman.
25) Look romantic.
26) Always remember to do what a wife should do. You are not his sister.