Vision gives one a reason to stay committed. When you have a vision of the kind of marriage you want to have and the kind of spouse you are working to become, you stay true even when it gets tough - FEAR
When you value what you have with your spouse and all you two have built and invested in all these years, you will fear doing something that might destroy it - LOVE
When you love your spouse, you will be careful not to do an anything to hurt your spouse, but also, your greatest desire will be to enjoy special moments with no other but your spouse - HUMILITY
Humility will remind you not to be too confident in yourself that you play with temptation. Humility will also allow you to be receptive to warnings when your spouse cautions you about someone you are getting close to - FREQUENT WARM COMMUNICATION
When you both take time to have silly, deep, serious, difficult and naughty conversations with each other, be it face to face, online, on phone calls or video calls even when you are in a long distance marriage; it will make faithulness easier to practice. The danger is when you get used to communicating frequently with another. Frequent communication keeps you both connected. Emotional faithfulness leads to sexual faithfulness - VALUES
Your values determine your lifestyle and this determines what you give time to, who you give time to, the environments you take yourself to and what consumes your thoughts. If you don’t have nurtured values as an individual, you will easily fall - RIGHT COMPANY
When you surround yourself with friends who encourage and celebrate your faithfulness and who are also faithful to their spouses, you will challenge each other to focus on your marriage. Check your circle, are you surrounded by cheats? - A HEALTHY CONSCIENCE
Don’t numb your conscience, your conscience is what flags you when you are doing wrong. It is your link to God to remind you of your actions.

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