And divorce due to marital dissatisfaction will come to an abrupt end or you don’t know people are divorcing because of sex?
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Okay, let’s go!
When a man is so hungry sexually after days, weeks or months of abstinence due to only God knows why, he may descend on his wife with holy fury and latch at her nipplles after squeezing the innocent breasts hard! Talk darling, tell him to go softly and suck the nipples with tender care. Better still he should caress with his tongue or tease with his teeth. Many women are running away from sex or won’t allow their husbands touch their breasts and the men don’t know why, here is why! - GO HARDER! or faster as the case may be! When you enjoy his love making moves and your body is yearning for a higher tempo, don’t keep quiet and expect the Holy Spirit to minister him. Tell him to go faster or deeper as the case may be! Men love wives who talk, open your mouth thou wife and talk!
3 KISS ME: This should come during foreplay and can come in between love making, reach his mouth with your mouth and if he is not getting it, tell him in a loving whisper to kiss you. Romantic men love to kiss while having sex.
Going too deep at times may hurt especially if your husband is blessed with extra long penis, depending on the position you assume, withdraw your hip a little to ease the penis or simply tell him he is too deep and should ease his penis a little. (Say it in a loving way though, not with irritation!) - LETS CHANGE POSITION
If you are tired of the sex style he brings on board, tell him you need a change and go with the flow. He will love it when you are passionately involved and get orgasm with ease. When a woman is in a sexual position she loves, arriving at orgasm is not difficult. - CAN WE GO ANOTHER ROUND?
If you are not satisfied with the first round, ask for another one. Allow his body relax and regain some strength. You have extra work of foreplay to do especially on him to get him to the point of asrousal and go again. Some men can go 3 rounds at ago without extra work, many men can’t! An average man can only go one round and then relax. Be considerate and do some extra work on his penis shaft and scriptum especially scrotum. - MOANING
If you are enjoying the sex please moan! I bind every spirit that makes you close your mouth during love making in Jesus’ name! Open your mouth my friend and moan some nice words that keep your man’s ego soaring high! Men love it when their wives enjoy sex with them and say it! Oh! How good he feels! How on top of the word he feels!!! He will forget a tuber of yam now costs 10k until he is done with love making and needs to drop money for break fast!
It is well with our dear country in Jesus name!
Don’t forget to wear condom during your ovulation days if you are on natural family planning method! You can only get pregnant 9 days of the month! Other days are father Christmas! Go skin to skim and enjoy sexual pleasure like no man’s business! It will free you the pressure of food scarcity in the country at the moment!
If you are not enjoying sex in your marriage as you should, don’t forget, SEX…SWEET SEX is available at a chat away, get your copy, read and thank me later for saving your marriage from deterioration, collapse and ulti!ately divorce!
If you are about getting married and you know nothing or little about sex especially if you are a virgin or getting married to a a virgin, read PASSIONATE LOVE MAKING FOR NEW BEGINNERS along with sex sweet sex!