- Take her out to intimate, memorable places; not noisy clubs where to communicate you have to shout
- When you go to pick her up for a date, don’t meet her empty handed. Give her a flower, a card, chocolates, candy. Something to show her you are not meeting her casually. Something to remember the date by
- Let her walk through doors before you. Give her the right of way. Be her soldier
- When you two are walking, be the one closest to the passing cars. It shows you are protecting her
- Be generous with your compliments. You find her beautiful, sexy; tell her
- No curse words. Your words should be honourable
- If it’s raining and you are both under the same umbrella, be the one to hold it even if the umbrella is hers
- Ask what she is eating before you order yours at the restaurant
- Be the one to ask that you two should pray for the food. Prayerful men are romantic
- Don’t be a pervert, treating her like a sex object, focusing only on sex. To unlock her sexiness, treat her like a Queen, wow her mind even when she is your wife
- Hold her hand when she is stepping down a raised platform
- Tell her “I love you”. Men who express their feelings are romantic. Let it not be that she is guessing your love or has to squeeze it out of you
- Look into her eyes as she talks to you. Let her know you give her full attention
- Kiss her when she least expects it. This thrills her
- Hold her waist in public or when introducing her to people as your woman/wife
- Whisper intimate and naughty things to her ear in public. It means alot to get away with private conversations in public
- Call out her name, she answers “Yes”, then tell her “I love you” or give her a compliment
- Rub her hand time to time; when you two are in the car driving and there is traffic, when she says she’s had a bad day
- Shut her up when she is being hard on herself. Correct her when she is negative about life and herself
- Be a man who loves to cuddle. Her skin and body loves to be touched
- Offer to unstrap her bra, to massage her, to oil her sometimes
- Kiss more than her lips; kiss her fingers, forehead, her back, her shoulders; even when sex is not the agenda
- During sex, don’t make it only about what you want and your pleasure. She is your wife, she has sexual needs too. Foreplay is important to her
- Hold and kiss her after making love
- Kiss her cheek and lips infront of the children
- Cover her with a blanket, put a jacket on her when it’s cold. Or ask her to dress up, show care for her well-being
- Ask her out on dates, even as husband and wife
Just because you have spent years together doesn’t mean you stop making her feel special. You did romantic things for her to get her, do romantic things to keep her; as you do so, she will respond by giving you the best of her. The man who loves his wife, loves himself