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  1. There is more to life than growing up, going to school, graduating, struggling with problems, marriage, parenthood, money, land, a career then death. The human being is too complex for just that, your child/children need to know that
  2. Your child/children were made in the image of God. So your child/children need to know the God they are a reflection of. This will give them a firm identity
  3. Knowing God young in life gives one a deeper purpose. Many of us eventually come to God much later in our adult life and wish we had a relationship with God much earlier
  4. Every one of us, whether atheist or believing in God desires love yet love is not something visible or tangible but we all agree love exists. Love is not a law, love is a spirit, a disposition created in each of us. God is love. Your children need love, hence your children need God
  5. Wisdom comes from God. You want your child to be wise, not just clever? Let them know God
  6. Keeping your children from knowing God means keeping them from knowing the source where they came from. You did not create your child/children, they are a gift given to you as a steward
  7. If you are angry or bitter about God and want to project that anger towards your children that is unfair. You as the most influential person in your child’s/children’s are using your influence to settle a score with God
  8. It is much more difficult to prove that God doesn’t exist, than to see the evidence of God’s existence. So many miracles surround us. All this is by design, designed by God
  9. It doesn’t matter whether you take your child to the best school and provide books to grow his/her mind, whether you feed your child the best food to grow his/her body; the growth will not be complete if you do not grow his/her spirit. We are made of mind, body and spirit. Don’t let your child’s spirit (inner being) die
  10. It will bring about ultimate accountability. Your child/children will not only be accountable to you, but you too will be accountable to God. There are parents who want to lord over their children forgetting that even parents are accountable to God
  11. So that you can worship as a family. Don’t deny your family a chance to worship. We cannot worship God if we don’t know God
  12. To give your child/children a moral compass
  13. Alot of the good things and ways of life we consider secular can be traced back to the word of God. Good practices such as equality, justice, democracy, leadership, health, cleanliness, service, philanthropy, ethics, medicine, order, hard work. The word of God contains vital truths for life
  14. To allow your child to know about forgiveness, giving and service. Create an environment where your child grows in the fruit of the Holy Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control
  15. As your child grows into an adult, challenges will come. Teach your child to pray and rely on God’s guidance
  16. The truth is, many choose not to believe in God because of how judgmental, hypocritical and unloving many people who claim to love God are. Shield your child/children from this. Let them see in you, in your home, God’s true love
  17. To awaken your child consciousness
  18. To reveal to him/her God. The truth is, even as you teach, you are actually revealing. The spirit in your child/children will respond and connect with what you reveal about God
  19. So that your child will know the way of the Lord and not depart from it. Your child might rebel as he/she grows, but what will bring him/her back to the right path is the Godly foundation you laid
  20. To share your testimonies. You have had a walk with God, share the goodness of the Lord with your child/children
  21. Because what good is it to gain the whole world; to have a marriage, children, wealth, awards, cars, a career and lose your own soul?

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By Mujuni Henry


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