A tragic incident unfolded on the outskirts of Latina, south of Rome, where a 27-year-old Nigerian-Italian woman named Patricia Masithela lost her life after being attacked by a pack of dogs.
Reports indicate that the attack involved four or five dogs in the garden of a friend’s residence, leading to the devastating outcome.
The unfortunate event took place on Monday, January 13, 2025, as detailed by AnsaEnglish.
Recent reports have surfaced revealing that the same pack of dogs was implicated in an attack on a different woman and the homeowner just a week ago.
In the early hours of the morning, concerned neighbors were jolted from their slumber by the frantic cries of Patricia, prompting them to contact the police.
Their quick action led to a swift response from the Latina police station, who arrived at the scene of the distressing incident around 3 am.
Upon their arrival, officers faced a daunting situation as they sought to disperse the aggressive dogs involved in the attack. In an effort to regain control, they resorted to firing a warning shot, hoping to deter the animals and ensure the safety of the victim.
At the time of the incident, the woman’s friend was away from the residence.
Authorities are currently conducting investigations to piece together the details of the incident and determine accountability.
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