1.. LACK OF DEMANDThis usually affects passion based businesses where someone starts a business around something they...
∆. Get the right woman – Forget the slay queens and women with looks but zero brains....
Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Arusha Paul Makonda ametoa muda wa miezi miwili kwa Vyombo husika chini ya...
Sales and marketing play a crucial role in the success and growth of any business. Here are...
Over the years, we’ve had to change department heads and managers at several levels of our businesses....
Raising startup capital can be extremely challenging and humbling, sometimes even humiliating. Whichever way you decide to...
Example: A marketing expert for a retail company may develop a strategy to increase sales by targeting...
This type of marketing focuses on shaping consumer perceptions and creating a positive image of a brand...
A business model refers to the way a company creates, delivers, and captures value. In other words,...