Wanajeshi waliokimbia vita wahukumiwa kunyongwa
HABARI KUU Mahakama ya kijeshi katika mji wa Goma huko Kivu Kaskazini Mashariki mwa Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Congo (DRC) imewahukumu kifo maofisa wanane wa jeshi la Congo (FARDC) baada…
HABARI KUU Mahakama ya kijeshi katika mji wa Goma huko Kivu Kaskazini Mashariki mwa Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Congo (DRC) imewahukumu kifo maofisa wanane wa jeshi la Congo (FARDC) baada…
NYOTA WETU Didi-Stone Olomidé ambaye amepewa jina kutokana na mjomba wake, Didi na muigizaji kutoka Marekani Sharon Stone. “Nilipokuwa mwanafunzi, ndoto yangu ilikuwa kumpata mtoto mmoja tu: msichana. Na Didi…
LOVE TIPS ❤ 1) Research about Them...✍🏾Know what to expect, ask your partner about their culture, how they greet over there, don't go and say "Hi, good Afternoon Everybody" when…
NYOTA WETU "Mimi nilitolewa bikra mara mbili, mara ya kwanza nilitolewa nikiwa na miaka 14 nililazimishwa kuolewa, nilikaa kwenye hiyo ndoa miezi mitano tukaachana na mwenzangu lakini wakati huo tayari…
LOVE TIPS ❤ 1. MARRYING AN OLDER MAN:I don’t think marrying older men is bad but marrying someone that is old enough to be your father or older than your…
LOVE TIPS ❤ 1: LOWER YOUR VOICEDon't shout at her, she is not your child. You can correct, yes, but why shouting?2: DO IT IN LOVECorrection should be done in…
LOVE TIPS ❤ I've observed during my counseling session with the married who have challenges in their marriage that many did not prepare for marriage but only wedding. This also…
LOVE TIPS ❤ When searching for that special someone, it’s always good to have an image of what he should be like. It’s awfully easy for a man to puff…
LOVE TIPS ❤ Congratulations on having a strong wife but know that the same thing you admire might be killing her slowly.Last year, I felt terribly sad about the news…
MAKALA Pichani ni Carlos Sylvester [Mastermind], Agent wa wachezaji mbalimbali kwenye ligi yetu akiwa na viongozi wa Timu za Simba na Yanga. Pale Yanga anawasimamia wachezaji wawili, Bakari Nondo Mwamnyeto…